BizSugar Blog » How SERP Analysis Can Inform Your Content Optimization

How SERP Analysis Can Inform Your Content Optimization

How SERP Analysis Can Inform Your Content Optimization

Tracking and understanding current search engine results page (SERP) trends helps inform your content writing strategy.

Find out how to research actual-time search results from any location to discover the most suitable form of content to add value to your audience.

Today, optimizing content demands an intelligent approach and skill at reading the SERPs. Jeannie Hill shares how to do this type of research in the video replay below.

Who Is Jeannie Hill?

Marketers tend to know each other, especially those of us who are active on Twitter. Jeannie Hill launched her agency in January 2011 and has been a stand-out on Twitter since the middle of that year.

We learn from each other and her advanced skills stand out, especially since the start of a mega-thread on Twitter.

Because that thread discusses marketing and especially SEO daily, it became obvious we should have Jeannie do a presentation for BizSugar.

Jeannie Hills is a Minneapolis based author and digital marketing consultant. Her passion is to help businesses and people identify the strengths that make them unique.

And then they use them to market their abilities and products to enjoy greater success.

She finds it personally rewarding to take “the little guy” and see them surpass competitors beyond their expectations.

Also, she is very budget conscience and delights in offering high returns when they cannot compete on dollar spend.

Jeannie has been asked multiple times to consult or take over a client for a fellow SEO.

Or a business hears of her after going through four to six SEO professionals and says they are now ready to get serious and pay more for expertise.

When they are passionate, they can build a business that supports their goals. Today, she is typically invested beyond SEO and on most contracts is the lead digital marketer.

Serp Analysis is Essential to Search Marketing

Jeannie attributes her demand to how successful search marketing has become vital to every aspect of an online business.

Success is much more about immediate visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs), Brand SERPs, and Knowledge Graph management.

Her clients and consulting spans both B2B and B2C, though largely B2B. They are diverse across healthcare, marketing, home services and retail.

Much of her focus is content management, the semantic web and leveraging artificial intelligence for SEO.

Find Out More About Hill Web Creations

Jeannie Hill founded Hill Web Creations, a Minneapolis digital marketing expert agency in January 2011. They provide advanced web content and digital marketing plans.

Their agency guides SEO website design and development teams to assure businesses that their digital marketing plan and content are the best possible.

In particular, they focus on SERP analysis for advanced search as conversation. Watch the video replay above in this post to learn more.

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