BizSugar Blog » How Do You Choose the Best Social Media Channels for Your Business?

How Do You Choose the Best Social Media Channels for Your Business?

How Do You Choose the Best Social Media Channels for Your Business?

Getting the right social media channels for your business blog is as important as having the right goods and services to sell. It’s important because a big part of your existing and new client base will be online and reading your content on their mobile devices through social media.

Here’s what you should consider when choosing the best channels to promote your blogs, goods and services.

To begin with, it’s important to choose the channels your visitors and prospective customers are most likely to frequent.

Learn Where to Find Your Audience

“The number one thing is you need to know where your audience is,” says Gail Gardner, a small business marketing strategist and founder of “Business blogs should think LinkedIn. If it’s a Mom blog think Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram. Twitter is great if you’re looking to reach out to journalists and other influential writers.”

Building an audience is about finding the right groups. There are Facebook Groups and LinkedIn Groups to join where you’ll find others who match up with your target demographic.

For example, If you are interested in focusing your efforts on small business solutions, LinkedIn is the preferred option above Twitter.

One useful approach on LinkedIn is putting a summary up on your blog article supplying the link to it.

Also write blogs on your website first. LinkedIn has a blogging feature, but you’ll get more exposure by using this site as a link springboard.

You should also claim your preferred username and use the same one regardless of the social network you choose. This is important because you’ll use the preferred username to link to your website and blog.

Choose Channels Based on Demographics

Another important tip is to think about demographics when creating social media content — and to decide which channels best reach your preferred groups.

“One of the tricks I use is knowing what platforms relate to my business and blog,” Toronto SEO consultant Allan Pollett says. “If I’m trying to target women, I might use Facebook whereas if I’m trying to target men I might use a YouTube video blog.”

Think of Twitter as a Good Engagement Tool

Twitter can be a useful way of engaging an audience no matter who you are attempting to reach. The platform is good for reaching audiences you might not normally connect with.

Use hashtags as a means of     engaging a new audience. Using these hashtags can also help you engage with a huge audience on this social media platform.

Pollett also suggests newbie businesses get started on Twitter. This is the easiest channel to start with for several reasons including the fact it’s one of the simplest platforms to build a following on.

For example, if your blog and website are on WordPress, all you need to do is use the WordPress Share This function. Small businesses don’t really need to have a huge background in social media to use Twitter efficiently.

One last point: Don’t try to adopt too many social media channels at once. Maintaining social media accounts is a time consuming task especially for a small team. And trying to use too many social channels at once will also make it harder to gauge how effectively a particular platform is working for your brand.

Next Steps:

1. Identify your target customer. Be as specific as possible including their gender, age, interests and problems your product or service solves for them.

2. Research various social media channels. Determine which might best reach your ideal customer. Many social channels have very specific demographics in terms of the age, range of interests and even gender to which they they cater.

3. Begin with one or two channels. Experiment with the kinds of content that bring the best results and avoid the temptation to jump into a huge number of channels all at once.


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