Around the same time that BizSugar was launching, another news service was just putting on its finishing touches. Guy Kawasaki, entrepreneurship guru, venture capitalist and author of one of my favorite business books, “The Art of the Start,” launched a news site called Alltop. Designed as a simple way to get all of the top news stories all of the time, Kawasaki added a “small business” area. No, not a “business” section or even a “finance” section, but an area focused purely on small business issues. I commend him for his support of small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Alltop publishes stories fed from many of the top small business news and blog sites. You only get to see the headlines, but if you hold your mouse over a headline, you get a floating pop-up that gives you the intro to the article — good idea.
Kawasaki emailed us yesterday to let us know that BizSugar was added to their site. We were touched that he would add a site that wasn’t much older than his. Of course, if it were not for the quality of our story submissions, I’m sure this wouldn’t be the case.
Therefore, our hats go off to Guy and to the members of BizSugar who are keeping the quality high and the spam low.