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Livestream Fails and How to Avoid Them

Livestream Fails and How to Avoid ThemNo one wants to embarrass themselves in front of the camera and their viewers. So it is important to avoid live stream fails. The quality represents you and your company.

Growth of Livestreams

Streaming videos have become a valuable tool for business operations in the past few years. Businesses can easily connect with customers and prospects on a remote basis.

This is in part thanks to more people having access to broadband internet, and the availability of free streaming services on social media platforms.

Live broadcasts are fast becoming great tools in small businesses’ digital marketing toolbox. The key is to make sure you don’t become a meme online because of any livestream fails.

Common Livestream Fails

The advantages of livestreams include increasing your audience, engaging with customers and cultivating bonds with them.

However, they do come with risks just like any other digital marketing tool if not executed well. Live stream fails could occur form technological issues to no-shows to awkward silences.

Because there is always a chance for live stream fails, let’s look at a few issues that can occur. These are possible live stream fails that even seasoned streamers can make.

More importantly, we will share what you can do to help prevent them.

Not Properly Planning Your Livestream

Many people fail to understand the importance of planning their live stream. Because live streaming happens in real time, the margin of error is high. The odds of a fail are much higher if there is no planning involved.

With live streaming, you do not have the luxury of cutting and reshooting and tweaking your video in post-production. You have to continue with the show.

That is why you need a script and proper planning. Make sure you know what you are doing to prevent embarrassment.

Plan out the scenarios ahead of time. Rehearse and know precisely what to do and when. Have everything ready before going online.

Equally important is to make sure that there is enough staff available during the event to help handle questions from viewers or online chat interactions which may arise during streaming.

Poor Audio or Video Quality

The key to livestream success is to have engagement from viewers and have them act on call to actions. If your livestream video comes with shoddy footage and poor audio quality, you risk having your audiences leave your live stream.

Make sure that you have proper lighting, and that your video and audio equipment is up to the task before going online. It will also help if you have a trial run to ensure that there are no technical issues.

Weak Internet Connection

Downtime or connection issues can interrupt the stream. That can prove disastrous with viewership losing confidence in you. Make sure to test everything in advance to prevent any surprises from occurring during the live broadcast.

Choosing the Wrong Platform and Formats:

Before starting any live stream session, it’s important to make sure you have the appropriate video format, live stream platform, and the necessary software are available.

You should also be familiar with the capabilities of the platform that you are using for your live stream. Fumbling around trying to find a setting looks unprofessional.

When streaming from laptops or mobile devices make sure you have the correct audio input settings to avoid technical issues.

Using some platforms might result in lower quality and delays during times of high usage. These issues may cause viewers to leave mid-session due to buffering.

Not Promoting Your Live Stream in Advance

It is important to create enough awareness by letting people know in advance of your live streaming. You want to build excitement about your upcoming event.

Promoting your live broadcasts in advance will help viewers to prepare questions and engage more with your content.

Viewers will have time to go through your pages to get a sense of what you are offering, come up with questions, and actually engage.

Make sure you send them invitations to the live stream ahead of time. The invitation should indicate what the live stream is about. Promotional materials should also include a breakdown of what they can expect.

Failing to Engage with Viewers

The purpose of your stream is to engage with viewers in real time. Make sure the conversation remains lively and interactive by posing queries and responding to comments throughout the course of the stream.

Don’t forget to express your gratitude to people who have joined the stream and encourage them to participate.

Ready to Avoid Livestream Fails?

Many factors can lead to live stream fails but most are avoidable with training and practice. Start with a checklist for any unexpected hiccups and always prepare days, if not weeks, in advance if possible.

This will help reduce the chances of livestream fails and allow you to concentrate more on engaging with your audience rather than technical problems.

Learn more about livestreaming for your business. Check out our Go Live! Challenge

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