BizSugar Blog ยป Contributor of the Week Sets Small Business Example

Contributor of the Week Sets Small Business Example

When John Paul Aguiar launched his blog two and a half years ago, it was with a much loftier goal than simply finding a way to pass the time.

As a kidney transplant recipient on disability, John Paul wanted to show how anyone with the patience and dedication to launch a blogging business could find a way to be self-sustaining.

His efforts were a success!

Within 11 months, Aguiar was able to cancel those disability checks and support himself with his online business, and he wants to share his success with you.

“It was a way for me to help people see the benefits to blogging in a simple to understand and honest way,” Aguiar said. “Learning that if you combined blogging, social media, relationship building and Internet marketing you could build a long term blogging business that makes you money.”

And despite the fact that blogging is often thought of as a solitary activity, Aguiar insists he can’t take all the credit himself.

“Building a successful blog isn’t a one man show, you need blogger friendships, you need partnerships,” Aguiar added. “You need to connect with bloggers, marketers and entrepreneurs on a daily basis to see the success you really want. That’s what the Money Dummy blog helps people see.”

One place Aguiar says he has found the connections his blogging business needs to grow is in the community.

“Knowing that I can visit the site and connect with bloggers and entrepreneurs that share quality, helpful content makes my life a little easier,” he says. “Never mind the friendships and exposure you will get from consistently being present and sharing your content. It’s all about giving to get!”

Here’s how Aguiar says he uses BizSugar as an ongoing part of his marketing efforts.

“I’m a big advocate of promotion over quality content,” he explains. “Meaning that to me, the promotion you put behind a new post is more powerful then the post itself. Yes, you need quality content, but it doesn’t have to be amazing.”

Enter the BizSugar community.

No matter how amazing your new post is, if no one sees it, then it’s a wasted piece of content,” Aguiar adds. “But a good post with smart promotion behind it, like sharing it on BizSugar, will get that post read and shared all over the net.”

You can follow Aguiar on his blog at or on Twitter at

If you’d like to be a BizSugar Contributor of the Week simply sign up for your free BizSugar account and start sharing posts, voting and commenting on the community. You should also “like” our Facebook page here to be considered.

40 thoughts on “Contributor of the Week Sets Small Business Example

  • Hi John,
    I have been visiting your blog always and reading all the wonderful content you have been sharing to the world ๐Ÿ™‚
    Glad to see you being the BizSugar Contributor of the week.



  • John is in my “Inner Circle” of a dozen or so influential bloggers who have taught me most of what I know of blogging for business, social media and and blog marketing in general.

    John rocks! Not surprised by this latest accolade JP, keep up the great stuff you do!

  • John, I really do appreciate you sharing your story. As always, you’ve inspired me to get my butt in gear and get things done. Thank you.

    • Vanita.. it’s not my normal share level haha But I think it’s a good start to motivating people. If I can do it, then hell anyone can.

      I hope people get that thru the story telling.

      TY for your ongoing support too ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Congrats John! I love hearing how people got started and why. This gives me a clear connection with that person and why they do what they do. People want to relate to you and learn from you. You clearly do this extremely well and I am glad I found your blog when I started out.

    I have a friend with the same situation and she too is trying to manage her life, health and considering blogging. Either way, I enjoyed reading more about you and again, congrats on being featured!

    • Thank U Sonia…Glad you liked the story ๐Ÿ™‚

      I agree with you, knowing the “real” story behind a blogger and what they do what they do def connects me to them in a more personal and respectful way.

      Sorry to hear about your friend.. have her email em if she needs t talk to someone that’s been.

  • Congratulations John Paul! You know I’m a big fan. It’s great to see that you’re getting the recognition that you deserve. BizSugar is a wonderful community.

  • Hi John,
    Although i’ve been a shy blogger for almost 3 years. Finally, I’m actively working on my online project, soon to launch! So i find it very inspiring and it boost my energy, after reading your interview. Also, it makes me want to read your older posts and see what i can find! Btw, BizSugar is new to me ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks!

    • Thanks Adam… Ill be sharing more soon.. time to take that negative and let it become a positive in what I do online ๐Ÿ™‚

      and happy to help anytime man..

  • Very happy to see John Paul on your site. John has been very supportive to me in the 9 months I’ve been active on Twitter. Besides having so much great info to share, he is encouraging and there are times that is what we most need.

  • Nice interview, John Paul! Glad to see you here. And congratulations on bouncing back so positively after a major life event like a kidney transplant. That is inspiring to others.

    – Anita

  • Your story is very inspiring (me to go on) you are right promotion is one of the key to be recognized. Truth is i am still groping in the dark about my blog. Sometimes i feel embarrassed to promote it and become idle for a while in not knowing what to do.

    • Czar you need to let your blog out there man. Some people luv it some will hate it, who cares.

      You won’t ever make everyone happy. My blog is the same way, some people like it and some don’t and that’s fine.

      Write good content and share it on a regular basis.. the rest is out of your control.

      and have fun with it man lol it’s blogging, it’s supposed to be a fun thing to do.

  • Great post! John is an excellent role model to follow if you’re starting a blog or trying to take yours to the next level. Keep an eye on him. He’s doing some great things!

  • John Paul’s Money Dummy is one of my go-to blogs. Even though I am a personal blogger, I find so much of what he says applies to my world too. For that I am grateful

    One of his biggest success must come from his ability to make each and everyone of us feel important. That is truly a gift!

    From a John Paul fan:


    • Thank U for that comment B.. I Appreciate that.

      Im glad Money Dummy and myself have helped you in some way in your blogging journey. That’s what it is all about.

  • Appreciate your words n reading the positive comments of others.Sometimes a medical issue; as I too have experienced thru a Workplace Injury, can throw things off for a time, but hard work with head n heart involved can renew us again.
    ::: All the best to you n yours :::

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